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A lesson on respectful relationships; looking at our
differences, focussing on prejudice and discrimination and
that we can still all find commonality.


This session covers the new RSE curriculum points: how stereotypes, in particular stereotypes
based on sex, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or disability, can cause damage.


We look at how in school and in wider society they can expect to be treated with respect by others, and
that in turn they should show due respect to others, including people in positions of
authority and due tolerance of other people’s beliefs.

1_ TOGETHER/ Stream

Use this version to stream our session via YouTube. This will require a good speed internet signal to avoid buffering/ low quality. If you run into difficulties, you may be better off downloading the file to your computer to play it.

1_ TOGETHER/Session download

Session 1 _ Together.mp4

Use this version to download our session to your computer. Depending on the speed of your internet, this may take a while, so you might be best off downloading this session prior to playing it.

1_ TOGETHER/Worksheet download

This is a download for the worksheet mentioned in the session. This can be downloaded and printed off.

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