Friday 15th Novembwer
Doors 7pm | Event 7:30-9pm
Tickets £5.00
Venue: Kingsgate, 2 Staplee Way, Peterborough PE1 4YT
Event Details
Free Parents Area
There will be a free 'parents area' at the gig, in the tiered seating area within the venue. This is for parents/guardians who wish to stay at the venue to wait whilst the event is on.
There will be free tea & coffee available during the gig.
There is no fee or ticket required for an accompanying adult.
Kingsgate has a dedicated car park with plenty of spaces.
You can either drop off your young person, or feel free to stay and park and use our free parents area.
Please follow the instructions of our car park team, as the center will be very busy before and after the show.
As part of the Illuminate Week in Peterborough, we are committed to your child's safety. ​The Illuminate Tour in Peterborough is in conjunction with Kingsgate Church. We ensure that our end of week gigs are as safe as possible. The highest level of care is taken before, during and after the event. As well as our trained team, there will be professional security, local youth workers and teachers will be present at the gig, to ensure your child's safety. Our gigs are drug and alcohol free. ​ It is important to know that we cannot take responsibility for your child's wellbeing when they are not in the venue, so please ensure you know where they are during these times. Doors open at 7:00pm and the gig ends at 9:00pm. Any time before or after this we cannot be responsible for your child.
What is Illuminate?
The Illuminate Tour is a nationwide schools tour, partnering with the local schools and churches, focusing on raising aspirations in young people and inspiring them by faith to live their lives on purpose.
As a part of this nationwide tour, Illuminate artists are visiting schools to take lessons and assemblies, followed by an end of week gig at a local venue.
There will be an inspirational Christian message on the night of the gig.
Photos/ Video
At the event, there will be professional photographers/ videographers to capture the gig. This footage/ photos will be used online and may be used in the future for advertisement.
Due to the nature of the event, by attending, you agree to be filmed/ photographed & give permission to be used in future promotion.
Is this connected to my child's school?
Throughout the week of the 11th - 15th November, we will be in schools all across Peterborough. Partnering with your child's local school & with Churches in Peterborough to make it happen.